domingo, 20 de enero de 2008

Etwinning is a School partnerships in Europe. It serves to be able to communicate and go with other countries. The firts is communicate and see with the web cam and the second is go to the country that has. After go to the house of one children and she this country. In my school in 2º eso the childrens they go to etwinning.

Every years we talk with Estonia.


-Etwinning - Me

martes, 8 de enero de 2008

My city!!

Valencia is the capital of Valencia Community, is the third city most important.

Is know for "The capital of Turia".

Valencia have 797.654 habitants.

Is very beautiful and have very monuments: Oceanografic, Torres de Serranos, Palau de la musica, Torres de Quart, Miguelete, El museo de las artes y la ciencias ...

Valencia have a see, is the mediterran see.
Valencia is very pretty.